BIG Aquaplay Vatnsleikjaborð

kr. 31.880

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AquaPlay vatnsleikjaborð frá þýska framleiðandanum BIG.

Fyrir 3+ ára

Vörunúmer: AQU1595 Flokkar: , Merkimiðar: ,


The new water table from AquaPlay not only brings the necessary cooling into the garden on hot summer days- lots of fun play features await explorers from 3-7 years!

The educational play idea offers many exciting learning moments and playfully explains the physical laws relating to the element of water. The colorful water table features a large mushroom with fountain, splash and waterfall functions. Quickly attach the water hose to the standardized hose connection on the bottom of the water table and you’re ready to go – a small or huge fountain comes out of the mushroom, depending on the water pressure! Here children learn to control water themselves. First it has to be collected in the containers on the mushroom hat, so that later, by opening the sluices, a powerful waterfall or a gentle curtain of rain can arise. The locks and turning screws on the mushroom additionally challenge the children’s motor skills and expand them in a playful way.

In addition to the large mushroom the absolute highlight is the powerful pump. It is easy to operate and can create a waterfall or water can be pumped into the bucket or watering can.

The water stays in the pool with the help of a plug at the bottom of the pool and can easily be drained by pulling the plug. Also included are hooks that can be fixed to the edge of the water basin. Here the included accessories such as watering can, bucket and ladle can be stowed away to save space.

The two figures Nils the Frog and Lotta the Duck, known from the AquaPlay water way sets, can explore the large water table in their sailing boats and experience exciting adventures! AquaPlay is made in Germany from high-quality UV-resistant plastic.

AquaPlay by BIG – the Bobby Car Factory

Warning! Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard!


Þyngd 9100 g
Ummál 40 × 100 × 60 cm




Simba Dickie Group, er þýskt fyrirtæki, sem er með nokkur vörumerki undir sínum hatti. Fyrirtækið hefur í fjölda ár framleitt vönduð og góð leikföng fyrir börn.