HABA Terra Kids Lukt í útileguna

kr. 2.490

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Terra Kids línan frá HABA er full af skemmtilegum leikföngum sem eru hönnuð til að láta ýmundunaraflið og upplifun ráða för við skoðun á náttúrunni. Henta börnum á öllum aldri „ALLIR ÚT AÐ LEIKA“

Whether your kids are camping out, spending the night in a tree house, going on a night hike or barbecuing around the campfire, this high-quality and sturdy camping lantern with its six LEDs always provides plenty of illumination. You switch it on by pulling out the lamp head. The lamp is designed so that it does not dazzle.

Bulb type: LED
Power supply: 3x 1.5V LR6 / AA (batteries not included)
Test in accordance with: Lamp complies with DIN EN 62471 (open group)

Vörunúmer: HAB304152 Flokkar: , Merkimiðar: , , ,


Two sturdy metal handles for carrying and hanging
Includes storage compartment for adhesive bandages and small survival utensils
Suitable for use indoors and outdoors
Batteries are easy to change
Sturdy casing made of plastic
Stays lit for a long time: approx. 6 hours


Þyngd 300 g
Ummál 9 × 9 × 12 cm



Terra Kids

Terra Kids is a line of unique, fun, and functional toys designed to unlock the imagination and promote creative engagement in nature. These toys recreate grown-up adventure gear in gender-neutral colours that are attractive to both boys and girls. Theres a whole world to experience and explore. Its time to get moving!