Hape Quadrilla Kúlubraut – Music Motion

kr. 19.990

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Flott kúlubraut, sem ýtir undir sköpun og ímyndu hjá börnunum. Hvetur þau til að prófa sig áfram með mismunandi byggingar á brautunum.

4+ ára.

Vörunúmer: HAP6012 Flokkur: Merkimiðar: , , , ,


Music Motion turns up the volume on classic Quadrilla marble runs by combining strategically-placed musical chimes with wooden rails and blocks. STEM


Þyngd 870 g
Ummál 52 × 8 × 36 cm



LOVE - PLAY - LEARN Holding the Hape philosphy dear to the design of every product. Love is the mutual love between child and parent. Play is the experience of success or failure. Learn is the natural outcome from love and play. Deep in our hearts, we believe that play is the most import thing for children all over the world. Germany invented the word and the concept "kindergarten", and if children learn true play, they will have deeper understanding of many things in life and therefore become better adults in the future.
