Hape Quadrilla Kúlubraut – Vertigo

kr. 28.100

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Skemmtileg kúlubraut sem fær þig til að svima!

Inniheldur 3 gorma sem lætur kúluna fara í hringi, 50 kúlur til þess að nota í kúlubrautina og 81 kubba til þess að byggja kúlubrautina.

Allar kúlubrautinar frá Hape passa saman – til þess að gera eina stóra.

4+ ára.

Vörunúmer: HAP6009 Flokkur: Merkimiðar: , , ,


Praised by the Wall Street Journal as one of the top toys to teach kids code and STEM principles. German Engineering Design Inspired by Da Vinci circles with Endless Creative Building Possibilites for Spatial Thinking Minds. Each of the Seven Different Color Blocks has a different Function – Fun practice for logical and engineering thinking. “Spiel Gut” (Good Toy) Award and Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award Winner. Thousands of Happy Playing Hours – An Heirloom Toy Worth of Every Penny.


Þyngd 4000 g
Ummál 53 × 8 × 48 cm



LOVE - PLAY - LEARN Holding the Hape philosphy dear to the design of every product. Love is the mutual love between child and parent. Play is the experience of success or failure. Learn is the natural outcome from love and play. Deep in our hearts, we believe that play is the most import thing for children all over the world. Germany invented the word and the concept "kindergarten", and if children learn true play, they will have deeper understanding of many things in life and therefore become better adults in the future.
