Hape Ride-on engine table

kr. 49.900

Á lager

Fjölhæft akstursbíll og leikbretti fyrir heimili og barnahorn.

3+ ára

Vörunúmer: HAP3769 Flokkar: , , , Merkimiðar: , , , ,


Now you can be an engine driver sitting at the control board with fun light and sound effects, or move the small train around the track on the play table! When you’ve finished playing, tidy everything into the table and slide it into the base to save space.


Ummál 85 × 17 × 63 cm



LOVE - PLAY - LEARN Holding the Hape philosphy dear to the design of every product. Love is the mutual love between child and parent. Play is the experience of success or failure. Learn is the natural outcome from love and play. Deep in our hearts, we believe that play is the most import thing for children all over the world. Germany invented the word and the concept "kindergarten", and if children learn true play, they will have deeper understanding of many things in life and therefore become better adults in the future.