RABO Mini Hlaupahjól

kr. 36.700

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Hágæða hlaupahjól frá danska fyrirtækinu RABO. RABO hjólin eru sérstaklega fyrir leikskóla og grunnskóla.
Hentar fyrir börn á aldrinum 1-4 ára.

Við bjóðum upp á varahluti og viðgerðir á Rabo hjólunum. Sendu myndir á krumma@krumma.is fyrir varahluti.

Vörunúmer: RAB7062 Flokkar: , Merkimiðar: , ,


The RABO Mini Scooter brings speed and balance combined with physical play for younger children. With broad and stable wheels, it is easy to maneuver even on loose gravel surfaces, where other scooters give up.

It allows for quick decisions to move into new directions; or to use the rear brake bringing it to halt instantly.

The tread surface is made of non-skid rubber, so children quickly gain a feeling of safety and security. The scooter is more stable to stand on as opposed to conventional scooters.


Þyngd 6000 g
Ummál 60 × 26 × 76 cm
