HABA Terra Kids Áttaviti

kr. 1.900

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Terra Kids línan frá HABA er full af skemmtilegum leikföngum sem eru hönnuð til að láta ýmundunaraflið og upplifun ráða för við skoðun á náttúrunni. Henta börnum á öllum aldri „ALLIR ÚT AÐ LEIKA“

Vörunúmer: HAB302620 Flokkar: , Merkimiðar: , , ,


Perfect for traveling and exploring
Safely contained in a practical felt pocket
Features felt pocket and cord attachment for belt loops or backpacks


Þyngd 36 g
Ummál 8 × 5 × 2 cm



Terra Kids

Terra Kids is a line of unique, fun, and functional toys designed to unlock the imagination and promote creative engagement in nature. These toys recreate grown-up adventure gear in gender-neutral colours that are attractive to both boys and girls. Theres a whole world to experience and explore. Its time to get moving!