
Quercetti Gioca Green

kr. 633kr. 2.331

Gróðursettu og ræktaðu gróður með GiocaGreen vörulínunni frá Quercetti.
4-10 ára


You too can play with seeds and soil, to become a real small botanical. Inside the pack you will find everything that you need: pots, seeds, Terra, coasters, stecchi segnapianta and a valuable booklet with directions for cure to match your crops. The calendar of the sowing will instruct you to know the nature and its time. Many kits play green to choose from: There are the vegetables and salads, the herbs and those officinali and many colourful flowers to cure. Catching and end the fruit of your labour. Fruit and Vegetables are edible, and even more good because to coltivarli six was you.
4-10 years


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